Congratulations to Our Winners!

Congratulations to these lucky winners of this year's raffle! We had great turn out to the Big Fat Ride and celebrated the day by pulling raffle prizes. The Big Fat Ride would not be possible without the support from Kathi Merchant at Alaska Ultra Sport and a list of amazing volunteers. Thank you!

We would especially like to thank our amazing business sponsors who contributed prizes to this year's raffle: Alaska AirSurlyBecker GearDogwood Designs45NRTHThe Bicycle ShopRevelate DesignsWolf Tooth ComponentsCold AvengerPen AirBarYak Expedition.

Thank you to the hundreds of supporters who participated in the Big Fat Ride and went the extra mile to buy raffle tickets!

Raffle Prizes

Thank you to the many donations from these amazing businesses! With their support, we raffled off thousands of dollars worth of prizes and travel. 

Alaska.jpgAlaska Air







Becker Gear




Dogwood.pngDogwood Designs 




bike_shop.pngThe Bicycle Shop 


revelate.pngRevelate Designs 


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