Smart Cycling Course - Fairbanks

This free course will equip you with the skills you need to ride safely and confidently. This is the first part of a two part course. The second part of this course will be offered from 4-8pm the following day, June 27th.

Please bring your bike for Part II - On Bike. We will provide helmets if you don't have one. Space is limited so sign up now! Dinner will be provided. 13+

Course graduates will receive the Smart Cycling Certificate after passing an exam. Graduates are eligible to participate in a League Certified Instructor (LCI) Seminar to become an LCI. 

Brought to you by the Center for Safety Equity in Transportation at UAF, Bike Anchorage, and the Alaska Highway Safety Office. 

Register here.

  • June 26, 2019 at 4:00pm – 8pm
  • UAF
  • Pierce Schwalb


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