Smart Cycling Class

Bike Anchorage is excited to offer Smart Cycling for anyone in the community (ages 16+) that are looking to improve their bicycle skills. The class will take place on Monday 6/21 and Wednesday 6/23 from 5:30 to 8:30 PM.

Monday's class will be held virtually and will cover topics like bike fit, maintenance, and rules of the road. Wednesday will be an outdoor in-person and on-bike session where we will practice bike skills and on-street riding (the specific location is still to be defined).

All attendees will need a working bicycle and a helmet to participate, if you don't have a helmet, we can provide one if you need it.  

The cost for this two-day class is $20 and it includes printed educational materials. If cost is a barrier, we ask you to email [email protected] for scholarship information. All proceeds will benefit Bike Anchorage. 

How to know if this course it's for you? 

The Smart Cycling Class is a curriculum created by The League of American Bicyclists and can only be taught by certified League Cycling Instructors. This curriculum is designed to develop the confidence and competence of a bicycle rider. Students will learn about choosing a bicycle, basic parts of a bike, essential equipment, as well as how to safely and comfortably ride your bike in various traffic conditions, terrain and climates.  

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  • Devora Barrera
    published this page in News 2021-06-08 12:35:16 -0800