Winter Biking Events

Trail Conditions

How has the snow plowing been along your winter bike commute? Anchorage has had a lot of snow so far this winter and that can present winter bike commuters with significant challenges. If there are spots along your winter bike commute that need to be cleared of snow, you can contact Street maintenance and let them know. 

Roads in Anchorage are maintained by both the muni and the state. We’ve got contact information for both agencies at our website under Report Road, Sidewalk & Trail Conditions. The information on winter conditions is at the bottom of the page. Also, folks new to winter riding may find some useful information in the Winter Riding Tips on our website.

Saturday, December 10, 11AM Second Saturday Ride
The next Second Saturday Ride is this Saturday December 10. Meet at Goose Lake at 11AM for a fun and casual ride to the Fire Island Rustic Bakeshop. Anyone is welcome to join, especially those new to winter biking. It’s a great way to meet other winter cyclists and share tips about how to get around Anchorage safely by bike. Unless conditions change (which they probably will, it is after all snowing as I write this), plan on an icy ride. Studded tires are highly recommended, as are ice cleats. The Chester Creek Trail is in pretty good condition after last week’s Chinook storm (Thank You Groomers!) but the street side paths can still be pretty icy.

Sunday, December 18th, 5pm-8:30pm—Holiday Lights Bicycle Parade— Groove into your Holiday Spirit….Join Bicycle Commuters of Anchorage on a bicycle tour of Anchorage’s ‘best holiday decorated homes’, according to Anchorage Daily News. Start and finish at Spenard Roadhouse. Route determined according to Dec 18th winter riding conditions. Presents given to those wearing holiday lights, a Santa helmet, or able to provide enroute holiday tunes. Bring your cameras. Holiday cookies provided by BCA. For questions call Dawn 720-3580. Free!


Friday, Jan 6, 5:45-8:45, 2012—First Friday Bicycle Tour— See great art, meet other bicycle commuters, learn safe and convenient cut-throughs and shortcuts that will streamline your bicycle commute…. Bicycle Commuters of Anchorage start at the Midtown Modern Dwellers Chocolate Lounge at 5:45pm, and finish at Café Amsterdam around 8:45 pm. For questions call Dawn 720-3580. Free!

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