BCA Winter Bike Fest 2014

BCA’s 5th Annual Winter Bike Fest is coming. For the month of February, BCA will be celebrating all things bike with rides, movies, slideshows and the first ever Winter Bike to Work Day. We look forward to this series of events and connecting with our great BCA supporters.

Feb. 7 – Bike First Fridaysartbff

Bike First Friday is back and we are having an informal meet up at 5:30pm in front of Katie Sevigny’s Studio near 4th Ave and G Street. We will decide where to go from there.


Urban30-50K posterFeb. 9 – Winter City Urban 30/50k

When:  Registration begins at 9:00am;   Ride begins at 10:00am.

Where: Start & Finish at the Trek Bicycle Store

How Much: $20 (registration fee supports BCA) or $40 for registration and annual membership to BCA.

The Winter City Urban Randonnée 30/50km Ride is a rolling fund-raiser for BCA by the Alaska Randonneurs. It’s an opportunity for all cyclists to support BCA while experiencing the adventurous style of randonneuring cycling on a whole new course for 2014. Choose between two courses – a 30Km or 50Km winter-day’s ride through the heart of Anchorage on track and trail. Progress from checkpoint to checkpoint, navigating between food and stops along the way. See how easy it is to winter bicycle commute in Anchorage. It’s an event, but not a race– so don’t dally
Want to try out a snow bike?  You can rent snow bikes @ Arctic Cycles or APU.
Bring: Helmet, pen, camera, front & rear lights.
This course is good for most bikes, depending on snow conditions. Use your best judgement.


Feb. 10 – Rising from Ashes

When: 5:30pm

Where: Beartooth

How Much: $4.00

“Rising from Ashes” is a feature length documentary from Director T.C. Johnstone and narrated by Academy Award Winner and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Forest Whitaker about the first Rwandan National Cycling Team and their six year journey to the Olympic games in London. It’s not about the bike. It’s about second chances, how our past doesn’t have to define our future, and the impossible triumph of the human spirit over one of the world’s most devastating genocides.

winter bike love

Feb. 14 – Inaugural Winter Bike to Work Day

When: All day

Where: Where ever you go by bike

How Much: Free

This event is a multi-city effort to encourage winter biking. Let’s show ‘em all who really knows winter biking and who has the most bike love. Register anytime before the 14th and be sure to bike to work on the 14th – show everyone you work with that you’ve got some serious bike love. Registration is free and easy: http://winterbiketoworkday.org/commit/

Feb. 14 – One Course Discourse14-BTT-OneCourseDiscourse-Winter-Biking-3A

When: 11:30am-1:00pm

Where: Beartooth

How Much:  Free

A lunch-time discussion about all things bike. This discussion will be lead by a panel including Chief Mew from the Anchorage Police Department, Kevin Turinsky (BCA board member and Director for Alaska Randonneurs), Janice Tower (with Single Track Advocates), Mike Morganson (REI Outreach Specialist) and Lori Schanche (the Municipality’s Non-Motorized Transportation Coordinator and drafter of the Anchorage Bicycle Plan). Brian Litmans, President of BCA will be the moderator. Come on out for a great lunch and discussion about bicycling in our great city.


WinterBikeToWorkDayPoster2014BlueHeart-194x300Feb. 14 – Winter Bike to Work Day Celebration – Show your Bike Love

When: 4:30pm-6:00pm

Where: Westchester Lagoon

How Much:  Free

Come on out to celebrate Anchorage’s first-ever Winter Bike to Work Day. We will be handing out Bike Love cookies and hot chocolate to all bicyclists so come on down, hang out by the burn barrels and enjoy Valentine’s Day with fellow bicyclists.

Feb. 17 – BCA’s Winter “Bike Shorts” Film Nightbike shorts

When: 6:30pm – 8:00pm (doors open at 6:00pm)

Where: BP Energy Center

How Much:  $10 suggested donation (or free with your annual 2014 donation to BCA)

Come on out for a fun night of short bike films. We will be showcasing films from Filmed by Bike as well as films by local film makers.



Sage - IcelandFeb. 26 – Ring Road Ride: Iceland, a presentation by Sage Cohen

When: 6:00pm-8:00pm

Where: BP Energy Center
How Much: $10 suggested donation (or free with your annual 2014 donation to BCA)

To wrap up Winter Bike Fest’s month full of great events, BCA is excited to host a slide show by Sage Cohen of her bike travels through Iceland. Sage’s shows are always a treat. The Ring Road Ride is a multi-modal adventure - 18 days in search of the Icelandic sun in the summer of 2013.

Other Bike Events in February

  • The Abominable Snow Series – Register here.
    • Abominable #4 February 1, 2014 at 11am – Eagle River Nature Center XC (Fundraiser for ERNC)
    • Abominable #5 February 22, 2014 at 6pm – Hilltop Super D
  • Susitna 100 and Little Sue 50k – Feb. 15-17 – get details here.


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