Bike First Friday Poker Ride

What:  2012 Winter Bike Fest kick-off with a Bike First Friday Poker Ride

Price: $5 donation to BCA

When: Friday, March 3, meet at 5:45 pm

Where: Group start at Modern Dwellers Chocolate Lounge, (Midtown, Midtown, Midtown), Blastoff at 6 pm

Visit: 4-5 different Anchorage midtown or downtown art galleries

Group Finish at: Cafe Amsterdam, 8:45 pm

February Leader- Dawn Groth

Why: Kick-off Winter Bike Fest, meet others, see art, and learn safe, convenient bicycle routes and Play Poker! (Yes, this is the February event that mother-nature cancelled.)

Show up wearing bright, reflective, hi-vis clothing with lots of blinking or bright lights to alert the public of our presence. The more bright, reflective, and blinking we are— the more we stand out and the safer our adventure is.

Start your Poker hand at Midtown Modern Dwellers Chocolate Lounge, receive list of 4-5 places to visit, collect  a card at each location and your last card upon finish at Cafe Amsterdam. Prizes for best and worst hands. Poker Ride Rules

While visiting art galleries, we ride around the streets, trails, and alleys of Anchorage introducing you to safe and convenient cut-throughs and shortcuts that will streamline your urban bicycle commute.

We are BCA’s Bicycle Ambassadors. We follow the rules of the road, model safe riding habits—all while having fun. Come join the adventure!

Questions: Dawn Groth, cell 720-3580

Special Thank you’s to BCA volunteers; upcoming March Leader- Todd Logan, Artist—Gina Edwards, and Graphics Guy—Joe Edwards

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