Bike To Work Day Counts, Traffic Skills and LCI classes

Thanks to everyone who rode last Friday, May 18 for BTWD! Anchorage had an increase of 16% over last year, for a grand total of 4,106 cyclists counted at 14 key intersections. BTWD traffic has increased 168% since 2007!

And a special Thank You to all the sponsors who made the Greenstar / BCA Bacon Station possible! The next time you visit one of these sponsors, please thank them for their support:
Green Star
Spenard Roadhouse
Great Harvest Bread
Midnight Sun Brewery
The Bicycle Shop

Don’t forget about the BTWD Survey, linked top center on the Bike to Work page. The survey will conclude at the end of May. The registration prizes (Chain Rx bike, Gina Edwards print) and survey prizes (including recently-added Dos Manos, Grassroots, Silk Sushi and AK Rock Gym donations) will be awarded in early June.

Traffic Skills 101, June 10 9AM-5PM, 4700 Elmore Road
The Smart Cycling class Traffic Skills 101 training includes a series of parking lot drills and hazard avoidance techniques. Students learn and practice everything from fixing a flat, to intersection positioning, to advanced techniques for merging with traffic, traffic law and riding confidently on streets with traffic. This is a comprehensive eight hour class geared towards helping folks become more confident and competent cyclists. The cost is $65. Pre-register with Lori Schanche at [email protected].

LCI Seminar June 15-17
Are you an experienced cyclist who is interested in teaching others about safe cycling? If so, you may be interested in becoming a League Certified Instructor (LCI). LCIs have access to the entire syllabus of classes available from the League of American Bicyclists, and use their teaching skills to help people of all ages learn to be better cyclists. You can find more information about the classes you could be certified to teach here.
There is an Anchorage LCI seminar tentatively scheduled for June 15-17 (classes will probably begin Friday early evening and go all through Saturday and most of Sunday). Prerequisites for the seminar include League of American Bicyclists membership ($40) and a Traffic Skills class (see above). Contact Anne Schlapia at [email protected] to for more information. I think the deadline to register is fast upon us, so if you are interested contact Anne ASAP.

2012 Summer Bike Challenge
Have you enrolled in The Summer Bike Challenge from the Alaska Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and Bicycle Commuters of Anchorage? It’s a fun way to compete against similar-size businesses and see who can build up the most miles!

Enjoy The Ride, Bike The Drive!

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