Help "Raise" the Totem!

IMAG0998.jpgAt our recent Bike to Work Day Celebration, we featured a model for a new bike awareness totem that we will purchase with the help of an Anchorage Park Foundation Park Challenge Grant. This totem will include a real-time counter of all those traveling by bike.

But we’re not there yet! We need your help to raise $2016 by May 31st, to make this project a reality and permanently install the totem!

Donate today to make the bike awareness totem a reality>>

Why is counting cyclists important? The data from this bike awareness totem will:

  • Inform the municipality about the number of cyclists on our trails, data which will influence policies like Vision Zero and trail improvements.
  • Help raise public awareness through a real-time count of cyclists on the trail and enable the creation of graphics and maps to educate others.

Basically, the more information we have about how many people are biking in Anchorage, the better equipped we are to influence decision makers and the public to make Anchorage a more bike friendly city. And that’s really what we’re all about.

Will you help us raise $2016 and donate today? Click here to contribute >>

Thank you so much for your support! It all adds up to making Anchorage a safe and practical place to go by bike.

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