No More Hit and Runs!

In an opinion piece, Bike Anchorage's Brian Litmans set out why a proposed sentence of 3 years (with 2 suspended) for the crime of driving under the influence, manslaughter or criminally negligent homicide and leaving the scene (or fleeing) fails to send a message that we as a society have zero tolerance for such acts, especially the inhumane act of leaving the person one just hit on the side of the road to die. You can read the opinon piece here and learn more about the case in the May 11th Anchorage Dispatch article.

If you think we need to do more to show that we have zero tolerance for hit and runs, join over 3000 others and sign the petition to the Attorney General.  


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  • Vic Aye
    commented 2015-05-13 10:47:28 -0800
    So tragic, to see somone who cared about life, his community, his family taken down by an irresponsible driver who appears to have been spoon fed and never learned the art of being a productive member of our society. Instead she flaunted it and made the decision to not only drive a vehicle while drunk, but also then leaving the scene of this tragedy. It’s unnacceptable for this driver who has been party to driving while under the influence on other ocassions get such a light setnence. Mark my work as history would suggest, it will not be the last of her antics. We as a civilized society had to stand up to these kinds of injustice.