With your help we got unanimous support from the Anchorage Assembly for the Anchorage Bike Plan. The Plan calls for a bike network of bike lanes, bike shoulders, multi-use paths and other infrastructure like bike boulevards and shared roads. All of this infrastructure is key to making our streets safer for everyone: people on foot, on bikes, and in cars. But a Plan sitting on the shelves doesn't do any of us any good. We need to make the Plan a reality and the first step is to install bike lanes for core routes.
In late 2012, Bike Anchorage led a successful grassroots campaign to increase funding for the Bicycle Plan from AMATS, our state and municipal planning organization that determines how to use federal funds for our transportation projects. Over 125 people submitted comments and 35 people turned out to a hearing and landed a huge victory to increase funding by $1.3 million for 2013-2014—more than doubling the proposed funding for Bike Plan implementation. The money would help us stripe and mark new bike lane routes. However, just last month we learned that the additional $1.3 million was never spent and that it is gone to other projets!
We’ve heard from the Department of Transportation that "this isn't a big deal" and that the loss of $1.3 million is just "a little snafu." We know that’s not true and we need your voices to help us say that yes, this is a big deal!
Safe streets are important to you and we need new bike infrastructure to make our roads safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists alike. Take action to tell AMATS that we need bike lanes and we need bike lanes now.
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