Title 9 Update and REAP Fair

The BCA has received numerous responses to the Title 9 notification we sent out last week. Thank you for your support and commitment to bicycle safety! A big Thanks to the people who contacted the Public Safety Committee and the Assembly to share your feelings on this important subject! The muni Traffic Department requested BCA notify folks Thursday’s Title 9 meeting (August 5th from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM at the Municipal Planning and Development Center in the first floor conference room #30, 4700 Elmore Rd), is not an opportunity for public testimony. It is rather a work session and an opportunity for the Traffic Department to explain their position on the subject. Bearing that in mind, if you are a cyclist interested in becoming, or are already well versed, in Traffic law, and understand the practicalities and challenges facing Anchorage’s cyclists, BCA would like you to attend this meeting. We’ll be sure to send an update after the meeting to notify you all of the results of the meeting.

A reminder of the wording BCA is objecting to in Title 9.38.060

“Persons operating a bicycle upon a sidewalk, recreational trail or bike trail must yield the right-of-way to traffic before crossing a roadway, street, or driveway.”

and section 9.38.020

“A person propelling a vehicle by human power upon and along a sidewalk, trail or pathway, (or across) except when crossing a roadway or driveway intersecting a sidewalk, trail or pathway, shall have all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances.”

This is placing the burden of responsibility on the must vulnerable users, children riding their bicycles on the sidewalk.

This Saturday from 11AM – 9PM is the Renewable Energy Alaska Project Fair on the Memorial Block of the Downtown Parkstrip. We’ll have our Free And Secure Bike Parking available, so you can leave the car at home, get some exercise and fresh air, and enjoy a front row parking spot at the Fair. We’re looking for volunteers to help park bikes, so if you have a spare couple of hours on Saturday to lend a hand, please email [email protected].

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