Winter Bike Commuting 101

This interactive workshop will share advice on how to get started bike-commuting in winter, including the best route for your commute and how to solve any hurdles you might encounter. The volunteer instructors are year-round bike commuters with experience all across the city.

This workshop is provided by Bike Anchorage as part of our mission to support biking for transportation in Anchorage. If you arrive by bike, you're welcome to park it securely inside the Seed Lab!

Craig Updegrove Donovan Camp Molly Fierro

Who's RSVPing

Craig Updegrove
Donovan Camp
Molly Fierro

Will you come?

Showing 5 reactions

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  • Jakob Dugan-Brause
    commented 2024-12-05 12:31:54 -0900
    Nope. Live in Ireland now, but used to cycle when I lived in ANC. Say, could you get this note to Craig Updegrove, please?
    Lost contact with him and then read the story of his 90K run at the S. Pole. Like to talk with him — he can write me at [email protected] — hope you can pass this along! And thanks. (the formerly) Jay Brause, OUT NORTH, IDENTITY and other places — but first, a bike enthusiast in the 1970s!
  • Craig Updegrove
    rsvped 2024-12-03 09:11:29 -0900
  • Donovan Camp
    rsvped +2 2024-11-27 16:28:33 -0900
  • Molly Fierro
    rsvped 2024-11-26 18:19:22 -0900
  • Alexa Dobson
    published this page in Bike Events 2024-11-19 12:36:07 -0900