We are excited to announce the September Commuter Challenge! In partnership with the Municipality, Bike Anchorage will be launching a challenge through LinkAK.org which covers the month of September. Just like Bike to Work Day, amazing prizes will be awarded! Keep an eye out for more information soon. First, go ahead and get registered with the site here:
Bike to Work Day Prize Winners
Congratulations to Joe, Nicolette, and Amber! Because they logged their trips on LinkAK.org on Bike to Work Day, they were randomly selected to win great prizes! A huge thank you to the Trek Store of Anchorage, REI, and the Alaska Railroad for donating awesome prizes. Be on the lookout for more great prizes as part of our September Commuter Challenge!
Last Friday Treat Stations
We are back up and running with last Friday treat stations! The last Friday of July is the 27th, so be sure to commute by bike! Generous local businesses will be providing treats around town to encourage more folks to get out and bike. Stations will be available from 6am till 9am (unless otherwise noted on the map). There will be an updated map for the last Friday of August and September, so keep an eye out for those. Click the button below and plan out your route!
Bike Day at the Mountain View Farmer's Market
It's Bike Day at the Mountain View Farmer's Market! We are excited to host youth bike-safety courses during the market. The courses will last half and hour and start every hour beginning at 4pm. Free helmets and LED lights for course participants, courtesy of the Center for Safe Alaskans. Get more info on all of the festivities here.
Texas 4000
Attention all bikers! The Texas 4000 Charity Bike Ride (T4K) from Austin, Texas to Anchorage, Alaska arrives here Friday, August 10th. This is the 15th anniversary of this amazing event. Again this year we need lots of local riders to come out to greet these incredible young riders and give them a big escort on their last 32 miles of their 4000 mile journey. You can find out about their journey and the organization at www.texas4000.org.
Did you miss the historical tour of early Anchorage, or the ride through the 1% for art program? Don't worry, Bike Anchorage and the Anchorage Museum are cooking up another awesome ride all about urban gardens! Be sure to check out the Bike Anchorage Calendar.
Chugach State Park Install
Thanks to a generous grant from REI, we got to team up with Alaska State Parks to install a new bike Fix-It station, bike rack, and a shiny new informational bike kiosk at Chugach State Park! Be sure to check out all the new gear at the Prospect Heights Trailhead. We will start phase 2 later in the Fall, which includes installing over 50 fat tire bike signs throughout the park. Stay tuned for more opportunities to volunteer on this project!
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