Valet Bike Parking

Bike Anchorage proudly provides valet bike parking at events citywide, year-round. Valet bike parking is a great option for concerts, movies, festivals,  races, and other large gatherings. In addition to promoting a healthy, sustainable mode of transportation, valet bike parking also reduces pressure on limited car parking space at times of peak demand, so everyone has a better time getting to and from your event!

It works like a coat check: You check in your bike with Bike Anchorage staff and take a numbered ticket. We keep bikes securely parked and monitored during the event, so you can enjoy the event with peace of mind. Present your ticket when you're ready to go, and we'll hand your bike back safe and sound.

We currently have capacity to park up to 100 bikes at a time. Rates vary based on event duration and total attendees. Contact us now for a quote.





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  • Alexa Dobson
    published this page in Bike Parking 2024-03-25 15:24:00 -0800