Sweep My Ride!

Here at Bike Anchorage, we love bike infrastructure. Although we strongly recognize that Anchorage must modernize and move towards all-ability bike ways networks, we are glad when the Muni or DOT builds bike paths or bike lanes on Anchorage roads. But once any infrastructure is built, it needs to be maintained in order to be usable. A major problem this spring has been the large amounts of gravel remaining on bike routes long past the time the snow has melted. When a path, shoulder, or bike lane is full of gravel, people on bikes must either ride through the gravel - running the risk of encountering unpredictably deep piles or picking up debris that can cause tire punctures - or ride directly in the lane used by motorized traffic, where cars have already cleared the gravel out of the lane. Either choice is unnecessarily dangerous.


The arterial roads maintained by the Municipality were all swept by May 15th - hooray! Unfortunately, some arterial roads (and their adjacent separated paths) maintained by DOT have remained unswept long past their May 15th deadline. This has included roads like Raspberry Rd that have marked bike lanes and are major bike corridors. On May 18th, we asked DOT when Raspberry Rd would be swept, but they didn’t have any information about when their contractor would clear that road. 

In this video, we checked out the gravel remaining on the Raspberry Rd bike lanes on May 25th and put ourselves to work in sweeping some of the most dangerous areas.

How you can help:

Whether you're a person who drives, rolls, or both, we are urging community members interested in equitable transportation policy to call or email our Anchorage Maintenance and Operation District Superintendent: 
[email protected] (907) 338-1466. Tell DOT to SweepMyRide and prioritize bike routes for spring sweeping to improve safety for all road users.

Scavenger Hunt - Bike Month

Bike Month is almost over, but before that happens we want to invite you to participate in our Scavenger Hunt. This time we are trying to make it a -Choose your own adventure- type of scavenger hunt, which means that you have a lot of checkpoint options from which to plan your route.

You can plan your route and do it as long or short as you want, you can visit the checkpoints close to your neighborhood, or take this opportunity to bike across the city, ride the multi-use trails, streets, stick to Single Track Trails only or mix it up, it's all up to you. Why have we decided to do it this way? Because we want to make sure our activity is accessible to all types of bicycle riders. 

We have nine NiteRider Lumina Micro of 750 lumens front lights to give away. Everyone who participates will be entered into a raffle and we'll draft 9 names who will be the winners of the lights. 

How can you submit your entry?
1. Download the checkpoint list, and add the photos of the checkpoints you visit.
2. Send the checkpoint list to [email protected]

On Tuesday, June 1st we will announce the winners, you get an extra entry if you share a picture of your adventure and tag us on Instagram.

Have fun!



Treat Stations Map 2021

You can check the Treat stations map here, the map is updated constantly because treat stations registration is still open.
We recommend you take a look at it on the night before the event to make sure you have the most updated information. 

The blue pins are morning stations (11AM to 1PM), and the orange represent evening stations (4 to 6 PM). Zoom in and out or click on the pin to read more information on each station.

Updated Mayoral Questionnaire - Runoff Candidates Only

During the campaign, the Bike Anchorage Advocacy Committee sent out 5 questions to all candidates in order to directly communicate their positions and plans regarding key bikeability and urban space issues that Anchorage is facing. Our next mayor will be tasked with critical decisions and with setting the tone that shapes the safety, attractiveness, and economic robustness of our city. Biking and walkability have proven time and time again to be a pillar of a modern city's ability to thrive and be a pleasant place to live. 

Bike Anchorage is Anchorage's largest bike advocacy group and our committee works to bring greater representation to the rolling community. After several inquiries we obtained the following results:


Forrest Dunbar - Responded
Dave Bronson - Did not Respond

Runoff ballots have been sent out by mail and are due MAY 11th, so get out and Bike the Vote!


Here are our 5 questions and candidate's responses:

1. What is your vision for making Anchorage a safer, more livable city when it comes to multi-modal transportation, including for pedestrians, people on bikes, buses, and cars?

Dunbar: Anchorage can be a vibrant city that attracts and retains a trained and talented workforce with world-class outdoor recreation opportunities and walkable, bikeable neighborhoods where our cultural diversity is on full display, where child care is accessible and high-quality, and housing is affordable. Our transportation system is very much at the center of that vision, and we need to continue making investments that support multi-modal transport. During my time on the board of the Anchorage Park Foundation, I have supported their vision of improved trail connectivity, as well as creating a sense of Indigenous Place on our trails and promoting Inclusive Play in our parks. These aren’t just the morally right calls—they are the economically smart decisions too, as they both attract more visitors and improve a quality of life that makes our Municipality competitive in a world where people can increasingly work from anywhere. In addition, I have supported funding for our public transportation system while on the Assembly and will continue to do so as mayor. I will always look for opportunities, working with groups like Bike Anchorage, to build our city around people, not just the cars that they drive.

2. More specifically, how would you enhance the safety and convenience of biking within our urban cores and residential spaces while taking steps to make Anchorage transportation meet its goal of zero roadway deaths?

Dunbar: We need a connected, well-marked trail system so pedestrians and cyclists aren’t forced into roadways—but insofar as that overlap is inevitable, we need to slow the speeds on certain streets (by working with the State), improve lighting and traffic calming measures, and install protected bike lanes where possible. In downtown, my Administration will partner with adjoining businesses to close certain streets and create pedestrian promenades and will work with the State DOT to find alternatives routes for the highway/truck route that currently runs through the heart of downtown. Slowing traffic not only saves lives, but it is better for the environment and the economy. In residential spaces, there are creative ways to slow drivers down the use of different paving stones, well-marked and raised crossings, miniature roundabouts like those installed in the Russian Jack area, “lane diets,” and additional trees adds an atmosphere that slows people down in ways that also improve our neighborhood character and liveability.

3. The Anchorage Non-Motorized Plan is near adoption and highlights areas most needing walking and biking improvements. Should Anchorage adopt this plan, and if so, how will you ensure that the plan’s guidance and vision are incorporated into transportation projects

Dunbar: Yes, I support the adoption of the Anchorage Non-Motorized plan and am grateful to the Community Advisory Committee, constituents, and others who have made its final public comment period accessible and meaningful even as we have moved operations online. To incorporate its vision and ensure community time is used wisely, I will work with AMATS to make sure each new project that is brought forward is evaluated and built using the plan as a guide. If we analyze each project at Step 1 with these guidelines and continue those reflections over the long life of implementation we can maximize the Non-Motorized Plan’s impact.

4. Cities across the nation have shifted their transportation policies to follow guidance from The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO). What are your thoughts on Anchorage becoming a NACTO Member City and incorporating their street design guides into our urban spaces?  

Dunbar: Anchorage is eligible to be an Affiliate City with NACTO, and I plan to work with AMATS to make that happen. Anchorage benefits from our other knowledge-sharing partnerships, like the National League of Cities, and it’s one way that we’ve been able to bring new, innovative ideas to our Municipality, gain access to grant funds to support community projects, and discuss the challenges of cities our size. A partnership with NACTO would allow us access to further resources and new city partners to give us tools to adapt our transportation system to make it safer and more accessible through design

5. Besides providing safety and accommodation for people on bikes, in your opinion what are three other benefits that Anchorage might see if we made our city less car-dependent?

Dunbar: First, an increase in shopping and economic activity: shifting people from cars to bikes and other methods of transportation helps get them into restaurants and stores, which will be even more important as we work to recover from the pandemic. By investing in mixed-use development, we also ensure a base for businesses as clientele live immediately above or in the area, and can frequent their establishment without the use of a car. This goes hand in hand with my second reason: the Visitor Industry. Right now, visitors often need to rent a car or have a local friend with a car to reach much of our Municipality. If we make our public transportation, city centers, and trails more accessible, it opens our city up to additional travelers who prefer bikes and other non-car means of travel. It will also encourage people to see Anchorage as a destination, worthy of staying that crucial extra night, rather than simply a jumping-off point to other parts of Alaska. Finally, reducing our reliance on cars improves our quality of life and public health. Our trail system has proven to be a terrific, low-cost way for residents to exercise and gain peace of mind, especially during last year’s pandemic-dominated summer. We need to ensure trails and another bike/pedestrian facilities are accessible to all our neighborhoods and recognize the public health benefit of getting people out of their cars, from air quality to climate change to physical fitness.

Bike Anchorage would once again like to thank the responding candidates for sharing their positions and plans. We look forward to working with Anchorage's next mayor to ensure a strong relationship and representation of our members who share in the vision of a much more healthy, vibrant, and bikeable Anchorage. 


May is Bike Month


May is here, and we have a month full of free events for you, some of the events are virtual, some are in-person, and some you can do on your own with friends and family. We will give you the details of each event.

The National Bike Challenge starts May 1st and basically kicks off Bike Month. This year, just as last one, we are joining the effort of The League of American Bicyclists in this national event. 

The National Bike Challenge includes two challenges for individual riders and organizations to participate in Bike Month and Cycle September. The leaderboards for this year are:

Individual leaderboards
Top Commuter - Most Commute Days
Top Commuter - Most Commute Miles
Top Rider - Most Miles - female
Top Rider - Most Miles - male
Top New Rider - Most Miles - female
Top New Rider - Most Miles - male
*Filters: Location (State, USA, Global); time period (Month, May-Sept, Year); workplace.

Group leaderboards (social riding groups/cycling clubs)
Monthly leaderboards:

Most Miles
Most Rides
Most Commute Days
Most Commute Miles
Most Riders (who've logged a ride)
Most Day Riden
*Filters: Location (State, USA, global); size category

Workplaces (during Bike Month and Cycle September)
Point-based leaderboards are divided across 7 staff size categories:

*Filters: Location (State, USA, global); size category; Industry.


This is how the leaderboards look for April 2021 in Alaska.

We invite you to join the Bike Anchorage club, compete as part of the organization against others in the country, and see how well we do in the leaderboards during May (Bike Month). Click here to register and participate in the National Bike Challenge. 

We are super excited to host in-person Yoga for Cyclists this month, we will have two sessions, so you make sure you don't miss it! 
The first class will be on Saturday, May 8th at Delaney Park Strip at 12 PM (noon), and the second one will be on Saturday, May 22nd at Woodside Park at 12 PM (noon). The classes have limited capacity, and registration is necessary. 

What do you need to bring for the class? 
- Yoga Mat
- Water
- Towel
- Face mask 

Meet the instructor:

Katie DeMichele
"I started practicing yoga 10 years ago out of curiosity and soon became addicted to the state of my mind and body at the end of a good class. It took me some time to realize yoga served me not only as a way to balance and stretch my active body but as a grounding self-care tool. I pursued my 200-hour teaching certificate here in Alaska. This past year I have taught seated adaptive yoga and a series of yoga for skiers classes. My teaching style is creative and I enjoy incorporating movements inspired by my pursuits off the mat.
I'm so excited to craft a class for bikers! I aim to include movements that build strength and positions that counter the motions of riding a bike. This class will be all for all levels and will offer plenty of options for all bodies and abilities."

Registration is now open 
 May 8th at Noon                                    May 22nd at noon 

We will stream two movies this month using the same platform we used for Winter Bike Fest, the Kast platform. To participate you will need to create a free user account in case you don't have one. The platform allows everyone to participate and interact in a chat while watching the movie. We have a Watch party room, that will be used for both screenings. 
The schedules for the movie nights are Saturday 15th at 6 PM, and Monday 31st at 6 PM. 


The scavenger hunt is back, and this time it will be more fun. We will release the clues of the places you need to visit, and once you find the checkpoint we ask you to take a photo of your bike or yourself at the checkpoint to prove you were there. 

You have the whole weekend to do the scavenger hunt. You can choose your own route and visit as many places as you want. We will release the clues on May 25th so you can have some extra days to plan your route. Good luck! 

You can submit your results at [email protected] and we will announce the winners on May 31st before our movie night screening. 

We want to hear from you because your opinion is important, this is why we created a survey for you to fill out and deposit at any of our 4 drop-off boxes that we placed in the city. The survey is short (4 questions only), and it's regarding bike parking and bike lane needs. You can either fill it out online, print it, and drop it off, or go to one of the drop off stations where you'll find them next to the box, if you go directly to a box don't forget to bring a pen or pencil. 

The survey period is from May 6th to May 31st, so make sure you participate. We will share the results once the survey period is over. 


The locations where you can find a box are the following:

1. Kincaid Park - next to the tool station

2. Abbott Loop Community Park - next to the tool station

3. Westchester Lagoon - next to the tool station

4. Russian Jack Park - specific location details to be defined



Students and staff of the Anchorage School District will be riding their bikes to celebrate Bike to School Day on Thursday, May 13, 2021. They are encouraging the use of helmets and bright clothing. If you need a helmet, you can request one for free with us. 

And last, but not least, Bike To Work Day (or wherever really!). The beloved event that we all celebrate each year is back, this is so important that we have a full blog post about it, you can read the details here. Remember that you can participate as an individual, a group, a family, or a business! 

If you need a helmet, fill out our request form, and pick it up at any of our in-person events, or just show up and grab one, they are free because we all deserve to ride safe. 

Bike to Work Day 2021

We are excited to announce that Bike To Work Day is back this year, and it will take place on Friday, May 21st. Treat stations will be available on two schedules: 11 AM to 1 PM and 4 PM to 6 PM.

You can participate in many different ways. Host a treat station with your business or organization and ride as an individual or as a team.


We know that some are still working from home, and we encourage you to participate by going on a bike ride to wherever you choose and stop by some treat stations. 


Important things to know:

  • The food in the treat stations must be pre-packaged, big containers with beverages like coffee, chocolate, or water are allowed this year. 
  • The teams can be formed by a family, group of friends, household, or co-workers, you choose!

  • We encourage social distancing and face mask use when visiting treat stations. 

  • We will have swag, maps, and treats for you in every treat station. 

  • We will have a prize for the two first people to send us proof of visiting every treat station available in one schedule, and a bigger prize for those two who visit all the stations available at both schedules. 

  • The maps with the available treat stations will be published in May. 


If you have any question, please send an email to [email protected]